Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thedowngoing - I Am Become (2010)


"2-piece grindcore from sydney, australia.formed 2008 9 track demo 2009 13 track digipak CD “i am become” 2010 9-track EP coming 2011 mathias huxley - throat, strings, samples; muzz - blasts"

Thedowngoing are a neat little band I found earlier today looking for some experimental grindcore. I was reluctant to throw up their 2010 release vs. wait for their 2011 EP but I decided to throw this up because it's a full-length album. I don't really know what specifies Thedowngoing "experimental" but there's just something about them that's quite different from most grindcore bands. Maybe it's the fact that the vocal is quiet high pitched, almost like a gnarl and can easily transition into a real guttural growl or that their guitar style is rather groovy and throw in some stoner-esque riffs? In either case, this shit's fucking great. They sample a few movies here and there, throw in some awesome fade ins and fade outs, and have funny track names like WWMJ?. The last track, stonebaby, had me giggling and PFTPFTPFTPFTing like a little school girl because of the sampled baby track. Honestly, who the fuck does that? That's INGENIOUS to throw random baby sounds while blast beats and shit are blaring. I can seriously imagine a nice juicy baby being grinded up in a blender while this band is playing in the background or possibly the drummer smacking the baby consecutively with his drumsticks. I dunno but this shit is pretty funny. I'm looking forward to their 2011 EP and I'll probably throw it up on my blog once it's released so be on the look out!

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